
The Random phone number generator generates a list of unique 10,000 contacts. This generated list can optionally be sorted in ascending or descending order, and also validated for duplicates.

Hosted API



  • Node.js v10.x or higher
  • yarn


$ git clone https://github.com/nedson202/Random-Contact-Generator.git
$ cd Random-Contact-Generator
$ yarn
$ yarn start:dev               # Start the development environment
$ yarn start                   # Run the production build
$ yarn test                    # Run tests

You can access the API via http://localhost:4000/api/v1/


HTTP VERB Description Endpoints
GET Generate and download contacts /api/v1/generator/numbers
GET Retrieve the minimum and maximum values generated /api/v1/generator/min-max
GET Sort the download files in ascending or descending order /api/v1/generator/order-contacts?order=
GET Validate the generated contacts for duplicates /api/v1/generator/validate-numbers


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please endeavour to update tests as appropriate.