
Not appearing in toolbar or in gameobject menu

Opened this issue · 8 comments

It is not appearing in toolbar or in gameobject menu.... I mean the exodusExport file... it is not working

I have the same problem

@CodeVisionary , @xMAKKx , I've checked in 2019.4.36f1, 2020.3.29f1, 2021.2.8f1, the menu appears in them all.

I need more information. Please make sure that the "ExodusExport" folder is copied Into "Assets" subfolder of your project. I.e. you shoudl have "/Assets/ExodusExport". Also check if there are any compilation errors in the console.

Unity Toolbar
Unity Folder Structure

@xMAKKx what OS are you on? Could you check it on a higher unity version (2019 and up). While the readme lists 2018 as supported, it should work on newer ones as well.

I had the same problem. So I tried creating new Unity project with sample scene first and it worked.
There was apparently some interference with project's scripts so I removed the entire Script directory and it finally showed up in the context menu.

@zlondrej If you have more information, I'd appreciate it. Because perhaps I'll be able to fix the issue.

I really don't, I haven't checked logs back then and I'm not even sure what to look for. I've stashed that project for now, but I might be able to reproduce this by following same steps if I come back to it.