
Pretty printing code (esp. indent) has issues with non-ASCII unicode strings

fingolfin opened this issue · 6 comments

While adding indentation to some printing code that prints some non-ASCII text (here: a "wedge" symbol), I run into this error (I'd try to produce a minimal reproducer, but I don't have time right now, and at least don't want to forget about this; but it shouldn't be hard to generate another, just write a show method printing a bunch of ä or whatnot and then indent-print it?)

│   exception =
│    StringIndexError: invalid index [14], valid nearby indices [12]=>'∧', [15]=>'e'
│    Stacktrace:
│      [1] string_index_err(s::String, i::Int64)
│        @ Base ./strings/string.jl:12
│      [2] SubString{String}(s::String, i::Int64, j::Int64)
│        @ Base ./strings/substring.jl:35
│      [3] SubString
│        @ ./strings/substring.jl:41 [inlined]
│      [4] SubString
│        @ ./strings/substring.jl:47 [inlined]
│      [5] SubString
│        @ ./strings/substring.jl:43 [inlined]
│      [6] getindex
│        @ ./strings/substring.jl:281 [inlined]
│      [7] _write_line(io::AbstractAlgebra.PrettyPrinting.IOCustom{IOContext{IOBuffer}}, str::SubString{String})
│        @ AbstractAlgebra.PrettyPrinting ~/.julia/packages/AbstractAlgebra/R29qD/src/PrettyPrinting.jl:1595
│      [8] write(io::AbstractAlgebra.PrettyPrinting.IOCustom{IOContext{IOBuffer}}, str::String)
│        @ AbstractAlgebra.PrettyPrinting ~/.julia/packages/AbstractAlgebra/R29qD/src/PrettyPrinting.jl:1634
│      [9] print(io::AbstractAlgebra.PrettyPrinting.IOCustom{IOContext{IOBuffer}}, s::String)
│        @ Base ./strings/io.jl:246

The problem is that in a non-ASCII string, not every index is valid, but the code in _write_line(io::IOCustom, str::AbstractString) implicitly assumes this can be done. The crash is here:

  firstlen = min(spaceleft, length(str))
  firststr = str[1:firstlen]  # <-- here

What we really want to do is to take the first couple "graphemes" (?), not bytes in the string. Perhaps using Unicode.graphemes would be a way to resolve this. Dunno.

Not a bug, but a feature (I disregarded unicode on purpose).

Some further issue with this Unicode stuff is that the width of a character/grapheme/whatever is not of fixed width, so having the automatic linebreaks seems not to be that easy

For width, there is Base.Unicode.textwidth

For that matter, there is also chop which can be used to remove characters (not bytes) from the start and/or end of a string; and its various "siblings". Alas, this does not handle full graphemes, meaning that if one looks at composite characters (e.g. an "a" with an accent combiner), they get broken up by this.

Indeed, consider:

julia> s = "ά"

julia> chop(s)  # removes last character = accent

julia> collect(s)
2-element Vector{Char}:
 'α': Unicode U+03B1 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
 '́': Unicode U+0301 (category Mn: Mark, nonspacing)       # <- here's the accent

julia> using Unicode ; Unicode.graphemes(s)
length-1 GraphemeIterator{String} for "ά"

Yes, handling Unicode is messy and complex (like most real world things).

I will look into this

some more notes: There is nextind ( in julia and siblings that allow indexing, and there is eachindex that gives all valid indices