
An example of bad behaviour of multivariate gcd

sumiya11 opened this issue · 4 comments

using AbstractAlgebra

R, (x, y, z, t) = polynomial_ring(QQ, ["x","y","z","t"])

f = (x^5 - y)*(x - z)*(x + y + z + t)^2
g = (x^3 - y)*(x - z)*(x + y + z + t + 1)^2

@time gcd(f, g)
 388.518452 seconds (1.45 G allocations: 28.546 GiB, 20.09% gc time, 1.75% compilation time)

I imagine there is some expression swell happening (expectedly?).

In any case, feel free to close this issue. It is not an actionable item, just an observation.

It is

julia> @time gcd(f, g)
 47.001273 seconds (1.12 G allocations: 22.266 GiB, 29.84% gc time)

for me and

julia> @time gcd(f, g)
  0.000243 seconds (666 allocations: 47.484 KiB)

with Nemo. Since Nemo is fast, there is no urgency to work on this.

I agree: Nemo is great

Though I think the swell is universal, not only in the coefficients:

using AbstractAlgebra

function example(n)
    @assert n >= 3
    R, (x,y,z,other...) = polynomial_ring(GF(2^30+3), ["x$i" for i in 1:n])
    f = (x^5 - y)*(x - z)*(sum(gens(R))    )^2
    g = (x^3 - y)*(x - z)*(sum(gens(R)) + 1)^2
    f, g

for i in 3:5
    f, g = example(i)
    @time gcd(f, g)

With AbstractAlgebra:

  0.050994 seconds (6.70 k allocations: 3.879 MiB)
  2.754756 seconds (7.28 k allocations: 30.883 MiB, 3.61% gc time)
117.572059 seconds (251.60 k allocations: 326.330 MiB, 0.18% gc time, 0.59% compilation time)

with Nemo:

  0.000173 seconds (2 allocations: 96 bytes)
  0.000542 seconds (2 allocations: 96 bytes)
  0.001343 seconds (2 allocations: 96 bytes)