
Error after first installation at ./

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I love ubuntu and it would be incredible to make it run on my galaxy s7 without root permission. I installed pkg install proot and pkg install termux-exec but I am not able to open ubuntu. Please help, i might oversee something.

"making executable
You can now launch Ubuntu with the ./ script
$ ./
proot warning: can't chdir("/root/.") in the guest rootfs: No such file or directory
proot info: default working directory is now "/"
proot error: '/usr/bin/env' not found (root = /data/data/com.termux/files/home/ubuntu-fs, cwd = /, $PATH=(null))
fatal error: see proot --help.
$ PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 termux-chroot
$ ./
proot warning: can't sanitize binding "/sys/": No such file or directory
proot warning: can't chdir("/root/.") in the guest rootfs: No such file or directory
proot info: default working directory is now "/"
proot error: '/usr/bin/env' not found (root = /home/ubuntu-fs, cwd = /, $PATH=(null))
fatal error: see proot --help.
proot error: trying to remove a directory outside of '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp/', please report this error.

$ apt update && apt upgradE"

I have the same problem
$ ./
proot warning: can't chdir("/root/.") in the guest rootfs: No such file or directory
proot info: default working directory is now "/"
proot error: '/usr/bin/env' not found (root = /data/data/com.termux/files/home/termux-ubuntu/ubuntu-fs, cwd = /, $PATH=(null))
fatal error: see proot --help. $

plz help

Bro it's working in mine I don't know but automatically..
A-Rat termux-ubuntu
Lazymux wifite
Nethunter-In-Termux wpscan
$ cd termux-ubuntu
$ ls ubuntu-fs
binds termux-ubuntu
$ cd termux-ubuntu
$ ls
binds ubuntu-fs ubuntu.tar.gz
$ ./
groups: cannot find name for group ID 3003
groups: cannot find name for group ID 9997
groups: cannot find name for group ID 50271

Neo oli i have the same problem after proot installing and restart as well

Make sure proot is installed, remove your folder using
rm -rf ~/folder/installed
And try again.

I had this issue because I did not have proot installed correctly

same issue.

Same issue