

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Nobody seems to be monitoring the general issues around here, but I'll report what I see anyway.

I'm tryint to migrate from Titanium Backup, but having a head ache in the process.

I'll only insist because, unlike the competition, this app compresses in the tar.gz format, allowing me to decompress manually

  • For starters, that persistent "unencripted backup is not safe" warning is GODDAM ANNOYING !
    I don't need another google telling me what is safe and what is not !

  • Backups made via that floating menu IGNORE THE SETTINGS, specially the one where I unmarked to backup the .apk

  • The app once lost the backup dir (I did set to my external SD)

  • The app list takes LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG to load (and I don't have many apks). On Titanium it is instantaneous !

  • If I enable/disable an app, I have to close the app and re-load the list for the status to update.

  • There is no option to delete system apps.

  • If I use the PUT command, the selection REPLACES the previous selection instead of incrementing it.

  • Long package names get cut out of the screen, instead of going to the next line

  • There is no easy or discernable way to backup things like WiFi, Bluetooth, Wallpaper, customizations, etc. On Titanium, they even asked if I wanted to backup via XML or file

  • The PUT command should be called SAVE SELECTION AS, and should be more visible

  • There is no button to "CHECKMARK ALL APPS WITH BACKUP" on the BACKUP tab

  • There is no button to "REMAKE ALL THE BACKUPS" on the backup tab

  • There is no button to seect apps By label

  • On Titanium, there was a very important INFO button that showed backup size, package name, package dir, package version, etc

  • The refreshing animation should not stop until the lists have been populated

  • There needs to be a way to disable the annoying pull down gesture. It closes the backup properties I'm currently visualizing

  • The back button should not close the app immediately

When is the next release ?
Is any of these issues being addressed or should I migrate to another backup app ?

I would move to another backup app if you are not happy.

@LucasBS1 This is not how to report issues, such messages fit into a message in our community channels (Telegram or Matrix) but not on GH/GL/CB.

Many of your issues are duplicate of others, while others are not issues per se but preferences and you seem to haven't read our FAQ (this is specifically useful concerning expectations and comparasions to TiB or considering NB as general system manager - which it isn't). More to that you didn't report which version you were using. So the preferred way is that you read the FAQ, then you go to the community groups and discuss your preferences there, and we'll see things from there.