
Consider marking rides past 30 mins in a different color

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'd like rides that took longer than 30 mins (given I am on the correct tariff, whose status could be cached until it's set to expire) be displayed in a slightly different color.

Together with #35 this would make an excellent way of requesting reimbursements in case of problems.

Like. I feel like the previous rides screen could use a reworking in general. Do you have a better design in mind that would incorporate this and #35 ?

This is how Bluebikes Boston does it. Maybe you can draw some inspiration from there, while keeping the sleek and simple look you already got.
Biggest takeaway is two screens, one overview with all the rides, and one detail screen showing all the rode info such as times, and could house the report button.

Maybe we need to do a design sprint with @crisp-studio. :D

If you can afford that 😅