
Eastward game Extractor

Primary LanguageC#

Eastward Extractor

Simple cli tool to extract resources from the game Eastward in batch fashion.


Can extract all .g archive files and hmg/pgf packed images. Tool will also generate bitmap headers for all unpacked image files. Currently not planning on adding repacking functionality to this project because it is a very established process using QuickBMS. This project was predominantly only for making image viewing easier when browsing through game assets.

Getting Started


  • Build with .NET core 3.0 so it should run on any reasonably recent x64 Windows system


  • Build it yourself or download from releases and run with cmd


 -v, --verbose      (Default: false) Verbose Output

  -p, --pgfparse     (Default: false) File is PGF/HMG

  -i, --input        Required. Input File. If specifying folder ALSO use -r

  -o, --output       (Default: ) Output File

  -r, --recursive    (Default: false) Input Folder is searched recursively

  --help             Display this help screen.

  --version          Display version information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


  • Packed Image Format by Allen at Zenhax (post)