
the debug and release mode

andeyeluguo opened this issue · 0 comments

I am using openvino installed by the official tutorial. But when I run this code in debug mode, it crashed.

    Core ie;

    auto cnnNetwork = ie.ReadNetwork("frozen_darknet_yolov3_model.xml");

    std::shared_ptr<const ngraph::Function> ngraphFunction = cnnNetwork.getFunction();

    auto op = ngraphFunction->get_ops();

it crashed when it runs get_opts. Works well in release mode, but failed in debug mode.
I try to find why, and just find that

    auto param = ngraphFunction->get_parameters();

will get empty param in debug mode, while it is not empty in release mode.
I also found the the debug mode is using ngraph.dll , not the ngraphd.dll. the ngraphd.dll is bigger than ngraph.dll, but it seems not to be used, because there is no ngraphd.lib, just a ngraph.lib.
That is really weird. please help me.