
Login() success get token but Further calling the interface 403 Unkow err

xyjboys opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Cant use the GetRealmRoles methods. 403

To Reproduce

client := gocloak.NewClient("")
ctx := context.Background()

token, err := client.Login(ctx, "go-demo", "7VTxDxG4TOrtAert6FvjhMdcZKrYLyXz", "demo", "admin", "123456")
if err != nil {
	panic("Something wrong with the credentials or url")

rptResult, err := client.RetrospectToken(ctx, token.AccessToken, "go-demo", "7VTxDxG4TOrtAert6FvjhMdcZKrYLyXz", "demo")
if err != nil {
	panic("Inspection failed:" + err.Error())

if !*rptResult.Active {
	panic("Token is not active")

permissions := rptResult.Permissions

user, err := client.GetUserInfo(ctx, token.AccessToken, "demo")
fmt.Printf("user: %v\n", user)

users, err := client.GetRawUserInfo(ctx, token.AccessToken, "demo")
fmt.Printf("users: %v\n", users)

parmas := gocloak.GetRoleParams{}
roles, err := client.GetRealmRoles(ctx, token.AccessToken, "demo", parmas)
fmt.Printf("roles: %v\n", roles)

 for this demo i can login success and get the token userInfo  but  GetUserByID  err 403 

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

200 status code response of GetUserByID user.


Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

gocloak version: 13.8
keycloak version: 22.0.1-2