
Discrepancy between intensity and MaxLFQ intensity identification numbers using nonspecific-HLA workflow with Quantification

Closed this issue · 2 comments


first thank you for the awesome software and the support offered here on GitHub, keep it up!
Now to my problem:
We analyzed a small pilot project of 3 HLA peptidomic samples using the nonspecific-HLA workflow with Quantification enabled. All default settings were kept, the data were acquired on a timsTOF Flex HT.
When checking the peptide_combined.tsv I noticed 2 types of intensity columns: "Intensity" and "MaxLFQ Intensity". I am aware that MaxLFQ is a specific Quantification method, however I noticed quite extensive discrepancy regarding the peptide identifications between the two columns for one of the three samples. While 15106 non-zero values were listed in the intensity column, only 438 values were listed in MaxLFQ. For the other samples, the discrepancy was much less severe (637/438 and 504/299). Please find the combined_peptide.tsv and log file attached.

  1. Do you have an explanation for this finding?
  2. Which column should be considered?

Thank you in advance and all the best,

fcyu commented

Hi Thorben,

It should be because two of your three samples have much fewer quantified IDs(637, 504 vs 15106). MaxLFQ requires a peptide being observed in at least two samples. The number of non-zero MaxLFQ intensity was "capped" by those samples with low quantified IDs to some extend.



Hey Fengchao,

thank you for the explanation, I didn't know about this precondition of MaxLFQ.
