
Failed in reading frame (intensity is larger than the maximum allowed value)

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I was running FragPipe workflow for timsTOF data.
However it finished with the following error message:

2024-06-02 19:58:08 [INFO] - Loading \\msdirect13\share\share\timsTOF\2024-05\240502RT\240502RT_trypsin_1_1_1_682.d...
2024-06-02 19:58:13 [INFO] - ...20%...40%...60%...2024-06-02 19:59:38 [ERROR] - Failed in reading frame 53761: intensity (9739444) is larger than the maximum allowed value 8388607.
Process 'IonQuant' finished, exit code: 1
Process returned non-zero exit code, stopping

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Could you tell me how to solve this error?

Best regards,

fcyu commented

Thanks for the report. It was because the intensity value is overflowed. I didn't expect the data will have such a high intensity. Maybe I should cap it to 8388607 if the intensity if larger than 8388607.

If you want to test a fixed version, could you send an email to (replace AT with @)?



Thanks for your reply.
I understood the cause of the problem.
I would like to send an email to test with the fixed version.