
How to process RAW files from Astral using FragPipe?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

- Upload your log file

(If a log file hasn't been generated, go to the 'Run' tab in FragPipe, click 'Export Log', zip the resulting "log_[date_time].txt" file to avoid truncation, then attach the zipped file by drag & drop here.)

- Describe the issue or question:
I acquired two HeLa DIAs with Astral and analysed them with FragPipe (version 22).
But only about 6000 proteins were identified, which is far from the results from Nature Biotechnology.
So I wonder if my FragPipe settings are wrong.
Could you tell me how to get FragPipe to analyse the Astral data correctly?

There are many reasons why your results may differ from what others get, many of which are not related to the software. This is a forum for technical issues with our software tools, we cannot help troubleshoot a whole proteomics workflow. If you think it is a software issue, try searching the data from the paper as a starting point.
