
401 (Unauthorized)

rosebude opened this issue · 6 comments

What's wrong with me...

Docker version 17.09.0-ce
NetApp Release 9.1P3

My config:


"version": 1,
"storageDriverName": "ontap-nas",
"managementLIF": "xxxx",
"dataLIF": "xxxx",
"svm": "CLUSTER_NAME",
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin_pass",
"aggregate": "aggr01"

docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions --alias netapp netapp/ndvp-plugin:17.07

journalctl -fu docker
show me:
" error="Problem while initializing: Could not determine Data ONTAP API version. 401 (Unauthorized)"

I don't understand.... admin user have all the netapp role....

@rosebude, There's a couple things that could be wrong:

  1. Make sure your username/password are correct
  2. Make sure you're using the cluster management LIF and not the SVM management LIF. Cluster defined users cannot login via SVM LIFs (and vice versa)

ssh managementLIF@username with admin_pass is ok

Do you know URL to test netapp API ?

# send request
$ cat system-get-ontapi-version.xml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netapp xmlns="" version="1.21">

# get response
$ curl -k -X POST -d @./system-get-ontapi-version.xml https://user:password@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE netapp SYSTEM 'file:/etc/netapp_gx.dtd'>
<netapp version='1.100' xmlns=''>
<results status="passed">

It's also possible that you don't have http/s management enabled in the cluster options which would disable zapi access but still allow ssh.

ok thanks .
It works.... Curl show me proxy setting probem.
Thanks you.