Update DTOs wont work
srdjo opened this issue · 5 comments
I am trying to update DTOs but it wont work.
This is the output I get
PS C:\Project> npm run dtos
projectvue@1.0.0 dtos C:\Project
cd src/shared && x typescript && tsc -m ES6 dtos.ts
Could not update ServiceStack Reference 'C:\Project\src\shared\dtos.ts':
One or more errors occurred. (The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.)
What might be the problem ?
Is the project running? i.e.
$ npm run build
$ dotnet run
Where you can view the Web App at? https://localhost:5001
After it's running you can generate the dtos with:
$ npm run dtos
Yes, I did run both commands and I can access my app at https://localhost:5001 but I still get an error
Could not update ServiceStack Reference 'C:\Project\src\shared\dtos.ts':
One or more errors occurred. (The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.)
If your app is running at https://localhost:5001 then it should be able to generate the dtos which are just being downloaded from https://localhost:5001/types/typescript
Maybe you have an issue with your localhost development self-signed certificate, can you try running:
$ dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Then re-running the server i.e. dotnet run
and seeing if you can generate the dtos npm run dtos
That was it. Works like a charm now.
Thanks a lot
Great, happy to hear it 👍