
Dockerize CrushFTP 10 server on Alpine Linux 3.19 and OpenJDK 17

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

CrushFTP 10

CrushFTP 10 Server provides FTP, Implicit FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS

Docker Specifications

This container hub.docker.com/r/netlah/crushftp is distributed under the MIT Licence.



  • Configuration and binary volume: /var/opt/crushftp
  • Volume ftproot can be mounted additional like /ftproot


  • FTP: 21
  • Passive FTP Ports: 20000-20100
  • SFTP: 2222
  • HTTPS/WebDAV: 443
  • HTTP/WebDAV: 8080
  • HTTP Alt/WebDAV: 9090


  • Admin user of CrushFTP ADMIN_USER, default crushadmin
  • Password for admin user ADMIN_PASSWORD, default is random one time
  • Health check HTTP protocol WEB_PROTOCOL http/https, default http
  • Health check HTTP port WEB_PORT, default 8080


Run container and mount volume /var/opt/crushftp to the host in order to keep CrushFTP's configuration and binary persistent. Access browser to http://localhost:8080 with the admin user to complete the setup.

docker run -p 21:21 -p 443:443 -p 20000-20100:20000-20100 -p 2222:2222 -p 8080:8080 -p 9090:9090 -v <volume>:/var/opt/crushftp netlah/crushftp:latest

To view the random admin password or the log, use docker logs

docker logs <container_id/container_name>

