
A lightweight JavaScript framework that extends the jQuery UI dialog to allow creation, modification, and deletion of interactive windows.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple framework that extends the jQuery UI dialog API to allow simple creation, modification, and deletion of dialogs that act as interactive windows as well as other functionality. Example here.

HTML Markup Per Window

To create any window in this framework, it must have a parent <div> container with an id. It can be initialized like so:

<div id="window_div_test"></div>

Opening a Window

// with parameters
openWindow( id, title, height, width, modal, autoOpen, resizeable );
// another example
openWindow( 'window_div_test', 'The Window Title', 250, 500, true, true, true );
Parameter Description
id the window's div container
title the window's title
height the window's height
width the window's width
modal if true, window is always on top
autoOpen if true, window opens on call
resizeable if true, user can resize window

Closing Windows

// with parameters
hideWindow ( id );
// another example
hideWindow ( 'window_div_test' );

Showing Windows

// with parameters
showWindow ( id );
// another example
showWindow ( 'window_div_test' );

Resizing Windows

// with parameters
changeDialogSize ( dialog, h, w );
// another example
changeDialogSize ( 'window_div_test', 500, 750 );

Common Button Styling

Using any tag such as below will automatically turn it into a jQuery UI button.


If you desire more options, some classes are defined to give any button its associating icon.

Calling the following function will load the associated icon by class when the button is initialized:


In the example below, a plus jQuery UI icon matching your theme is shown next to "Add".

<button class="addButton">Add</button>
Class jQuery Icon
addButton ui-icon-circle-plus
submitButton ui-icon-circle-check
cancelButton ui-icon-circle-close
deleteButton ui-icon-trash
backButton ui-icon-circle-triangle-w
switchButton ui-icon-transferthick-e-w
resetButton ui-icon-seek-first
reportButton ui-icon-clipboard
playButton ui-icon-play
scriptButton ui-icon-script
gearButton ui-icon-gear
wrenchButton ui-icon-wrench

Auto Load Functionality

This will implement automation of styling (see above), datepicker (see below), and auto input focus (see below) automatically on page load.

$( document ).ready(function() {


The following class is needed on an <input> to initialize the datePicker on load.

<input type="text" class="datePicker" value="" />

Input Auto Focus

Add the following data attribute to the <input> tag to automatically start the user's cursor inside.

<input type="text" data-input-focus="true" value="" />