- 5
[FEATURE]: Conductor UI's Static App must be easily hostable from any base route
#3656 opened by haricane8133 - 2
COMPLETED workflows remain in RUNNING state
#3700 opened by bendonio - 3
duplicated subworkflow in FORK_JOIN_DYNAMIC
#3659 opened by hebrd - 3
[DOC]: Enable full screen video control
#3714 opened by nidorx - 3
[FEATURE]: Support GOTO/move back previous Task
#3710 opened by DiyuanZhang - 5
HTTP task stuck in SCHEDULED state
#3719 opened by anjkl - 2
- 2
[DOC]: Incorrect link to swagger in the documentation
#3698 opened by riemann89 - 3
- 1
Incorrect retry information for 'forjoin'
#3731 opened by youngledo - 1
[FEATURE]: provide docker images
#3734 opened by egandro - 0
URGENT: Error start conductor
#3728 opened by JCHacking - 1
DO_WHILE loop does not restart after WAIT task update
#3738 opened by dpozinen - 1
Postgres Support is broken
#3735 opened by egandro - 1
es7-persistence is missing in main
#3737 opened by egandro - 2
[FEATURE]: Enabling Conductor to take full path as input for ElasticSearch URL
#3658 opened by quasayush - 1
ConductorClientAutoConfiguration is not picked up in Springboot Kotlin project
#3721 opened by lerl221295 - 1
JOIN is remaining in SCHEDULED state forever when retried from failed tasks
#3630 opened by missioncoding - 2
- 1
KAFKA_PUBLISH not working
#3629 opened by chuang-lian - 9
- 0
Workflows get stuck in running state after posting same KAFKA_PUBLISH task twice to kafka
#3702 opened by mithlesh135 - 3
java.lang.LinkageError with Spring boot 3.1.x
#3645 opened by exelon-admin - 3
[DOC]: Example for extending the conductor to get workflow status listener
#3613 opened by karanbhola - 2
- 0
../gradlew bootRun failed
#3684 opened by zhuangzhuangzhang - 1
- 0
- 0
Not support running parrallel in do while
#3637 opened by TuanNguyen0708 - 4
The ../gradlew bootRun command fails to run.
#3626 opened by rajindersaini - 0
APPLICATION FAILED TO START due to ExecutionLockService using Redis cluster
#3678 opened by vinayak16690 - 4
New metadata workflow endpoint that supports retrieving all workflow definitions, but only the latest version.
#3642 opened by alexmay48 - 5
According to the documentation, the log4j configuration file cannot be used correctly
#3578 opened by zengqinglei - 3
An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'nebula.netflixoss', version: '10.6.0']
#3652 opened by Drackrath - 1
- 6
An exception occurred: Error polling system task in queue:[START_WORKFLOW|HTTP|JOIN...]
#3575 opened by zengqinglei - 3
[FEATURE]: Provide feature to identify a specific client to execute the task
#3646 opened by missioncoding - 2
- 8
HTTP Task remains in scheduled state
#3566 opened by autodidactic - 3
Can conductor workflow return actual response instead of workflow id in synchrounous way?
#3574 opened by kiranvpawar - 2
- 2
After workflow repaired task is executed two times
#3618 opened by astelmashenko - 2
TaskDefinition validation error doesn't print actual value that is being validated
#3611 opened by charybr - 0
- 0
ES cluster shows inconsistency in data while ingestion
#3596 opened by autodidactic - 3
[DOC]: build failed via Docker
#3586 opened by l646505418 - 1
docker-compose fails with postgres
#3591 opened by abhilasha1307 - 4
During the running process of the workflow, it terminated unexpectedly, and the task is in the cancel state
#3576 opened by zengqinglei - 1
I found that the console outputs many error logs, and I feel that unnecessary tasks should be ignored or deleted in the code
#3579 opened by youngledo - 3