
Unable to locate any catalogs

banjin opened this issue · 10 comments

when i call http://localhost:8080/mds/v1/catalog, i get some error :

There was an unexpected error (type=Unable to locate for getcatalognames. Details: Unable to locate any catalogs, status=404).
Unable to locate for getcatalognames. Details: Unable to locate any catalogs

I do not why ?how can i resolve this question?
and can you provide song docs?

Did you add the catalogs(configurations for your data stores)? You could add the catalogs for your data stores as defined under You can use these catalog property files as an example.

@ajoymajumdar thans for your reply.
Yes, i do not add my catalogs. I do not know how to add the catalogs,like this ?

I have some question:

  1. what the javax.jdo.option.url is? how i change it?
  2. javax.jdo.option.username and javax.jdo.option.password are fixed? if not ,how to change it?
  3. is mysql user? if i use mysql.

I am sorry about ask so easy quesion for you, i can not find more docs for introduce it.
Thans for your help.



i add the catalogs depend on the configurations file ,but i get the same wrong,wo can i do ?

@banjin .. create "/etc/catalog" and put your properties(catalog configurations) files under it. You can also modify the location in your application.yml for catalog directory.

Thanks @sabarnwa.
@banjin were you able to get past the issue?

@banjin Do you solve this issue?

@ajoymajumdar I am facing the same problem, i followed the readme and i'm bit confused.

Once the build is completed, the metacat WAR file is generated under metacat-war/build/libs directory. Metacat needs two basic configurations:

metacat.plugin.config.location: Path to the directory containing the catalog configuration. Please look at catalog samples used for functional testing.

metacat.usermetadata.config.location: Path to the configuration file containing the connection properties to store user metadata.

So we need to update the above properties before build or after build. If it is after build where can i change the properties

@krishnachaitanyareddy If you are setting the properties in the application.yml (, then you need to set it before the build. You can also set it as part of the JAVA OPTIONS when starting the application server(Ex:

@ajoymajumdar Thanks for the reply, i didnot set the properties before build, i will try configuring these before build and rebuild war.

As you mentioned above, about JAVA OPTIONS, is it for docker or can be used for Linux (tomcat) deployment as well

You could use it for any java server deployment, including tomcat on Linux.