
gradlew clean build not working after initial pull

jhurff opened this issue · 2 comments

I am very interested to explore metacat and appreciate Netflix's publishing to github for review. Apologies in advance for such a basic issue submittal, but after my initial clone of the repo, I attempted to run "./gradlew clean build" and receive a compilation error. I am wondering if there is a JDK version requirement, or perhaps something else simple. Could you advise?

This is an example of one of the errors I am seeing:

/Users/jhurff/projects/skunkworks/metacat/metacat-main/src/main/java/com/netflix/metacat/main/api/v1/ error: unreported exception X; must be caught or declared to be thrown
                return table.orElseThrow(() -> new MetacatNotFoundException("Unable to find view: " + name));
  where X,T are type-variables:
    X extends Throwable declared in method <X>orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X>)
    T extends Object declared in class Optional

Is there a requirement to use Java7, or does metacat work with Java8?

Actually ...

I was able to determine my issue was in fact related to the version of my JDK. I was using 1.8.0_77 which apparently has some known issues with lambdas and exceptions. After upgrading my JDK to a newer version (, I am on Mac and used jenv to coexist the JDKs to test), I am now able to compile and run metacat. Hopefully this may help some of those other "JDK upgrade laggards" like myself. Thanks again.