
Segfault with Apache2 / Wheezy

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When trying out tls interposer on a Debian Wheezy machine, I have encountered a persistent (and 100% reproducible) blocking segfault when restarting apache. It seems the segfault is in (Onigura Multibyte chars), which is required by libapache2-mod-php5.
I'm using stock Apache2, stock PHP5 (with Zend OPCache) and the current Interposer with debug and logfile as the only non-default options. This is the backtrace for the segfault:

arning: "/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/84/bee3ec119629745f1abb696a297d23ef52d3ba.debug": separate debug info file has no debug info
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00007f31d4073152 in ?? () from /usr/lib/

(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007f31d4073152 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x00007f31d97a2dca in SSL_CTX_new (method=0x7f31d402af00) at tlsinterposer.c:312
#2 0x00007f31d105dde7 in ssl_init_ctx_protocol (mctx=0x7f31d9b90af8, p=, s=0x7f31d9b9ebc8, ptemp=) at ssl_engine_init.c:550
#3 ssl_init_ctx (s=s@entry=0x7f31d9b9ebc8, p=p@entry=0x7f31d9bba028, ptemp=ptemp@entry=0x7f31d9bab028, mctx=0x7f31d9b90af8) at ssl_engine_init.c:853
#4 0x00007f31d105e72f in ssl_init_server_ctx (ptemp=0x7f31d9bab028, p=0x7f31d9bba028, s=0x7f31d9b9ebc8, sc=) at ssl_engine_init.c:1174
#5 ssl_init_ConfigureServer (s=s@entry=0x7f31d9b9ebc8, p=p@entry=0x7f31d9bba028, ptemp=ptemp@entry=0x7f31d9bab028, sc=0x7f31d9b90a28) at ssl_engine_init.c:1192
#6 0x00007f31d105ef25 in ssl_init_Module (p=0x7f31d9bba028, plog=, ptemp=0x7f31d9bab028, base_server=0x7f31d9bb4818) at ssl_engine_init.c:371
#7 0x00007f31d9c0d819 in ap_run_post_config (pconf=0x7f31d9bba028, plog=0x7f31d9b7f028, ptemp=0x7f31d9bab028, s=0x7f31d9bb4818) at config.c:95
#8 0x00007f31d9bf8873 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7fff8c9fe8e8) at main.c:744

I'll look into it. However, as I currently don't have a Wheezy setup, this might take some time.

I can provide you with a VM if that helps?



Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 27.08.2014 um 08:11 schrieb Marcel Waldvogel

I'll look into it. However, as I currently don't have a Wheezy setup, this might take some time.

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