
Architecting for NuGet

robertmclaws opened this issue · 7 comments

Juan, huge fan of the Nethereum project and your work in this space. I'm new to Web3 but an old .NET dev.

Was curious about your plans for putting this on NuGet? Seems like consolidating some of the projects and adjusting the project structure might make it more conducive to distribution.

What are your plans for that, and would you accept any PRs to make that happen?


Hi @robertmclaws

Yes that is the plan, well there are two plans. One is to release the template as a "dotnet new" template and the other couple of projects is to release the Nethereum.UI Nethereum.Metamask Metamask.Blazor as Nugets

Overall I am happy with the structure, but as I am adding more Siwe features at the moment I want to make sure that nothing is left from a generic component.

Oh I don't want to consolidate any projects, there is a reason why there is a Nethereum.UI as this can be generic for any host, not just MM. Nethereum.Metamask.Blazor and Nethereum.Metamask. Also you the ExampleProjects are named that way as they are part of the template.

EDIT: Those projects will go to the Main Nethereum project then.

Now I am open to suggestions!!

I think my main thing is it feels really weird having the interop JS separate from the library that uses it. Realistically, what other environment would you use Nethereum.Metamask in that wasn't Blazor? I'm not sure how you would be able to interact with the Metamask app on iOS through Maui, but maybe that was one of your plans.

Also, what are you thinking is your ETA for packages going live?

I think my main thing is it feels really weird having the interop JS separate from the library that uses it. Realistically, what other environment would you use Nethereum.Metamask in that wasn't Blazor? I'm not sure how you would be able to interact with the Metamask app on iOS through Maui, but maybe that was one of your plans.

Maybe Avalonia, Uno or.. GoDot.. Unity due to the coroutine needs a new one.

Also, what are you thinking is your ETA for packages going live?

You can use it as it is now, there won't be major changes, just additions to simplify SIWE. Many people have been using it for the past 2 years.