
How to restart from the beginning of the queue

Closed this issue · 2 comments


What is the configuration parameter equivalent of this
forceFromStart = true;
in your implementation of KafkaSpout?

The high level consumer configuration allows the configuration key auto.offset.reset, which allows you to specify where a new consumer should start consuming. This will only work for a new consumer. That is, an unknown consumer group, identified by configuration key

To my knowledge, there is no simple way to force a high level consumer (which is how this spout is implemented) to consume from the lowest available offset other than starting it with a new setting. This setting can be fed to the spout by including in your topology settings.

This will do for now.
I am planning to use Storm 0.9.2 which has its own Kafka-Storm implementation which looks good for me. I was using this implementation so far.