
Implement contract verification via plugin

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Add feature to seamlessly submit a deployed contract for verification (see )

Note after demo with Ago:

  • Consider pre-populating the Contract Address control with the address of the most recently deployed smart contract

Fix 'contract verification successful' message on terminal which is being presented even when unsuccesful

Change the contract verification process to one where it's an opt-in:

  • "remove the standalone verification option and keep it only on deployment as optional"
  • Include the inputs used for the deployment as the same inputs for the verification
  • also, if the checkbox is checked, the button should read "Deploy and verify"
  • Fix 'contract verification successful' message on terminal which is being presented even when unsuccesful


Afaik plugin now supports deploy and verification:

I have previously deployed a contract when this feature was not available. Would it be possible to add verification for an already deployed contract?