
Possible item changes

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Armadillo scutes / wolf armor
  • potato / carrot / golden carrot
  • remove tnt items from sand category
  • Maybe add a type of colored glass?
  • Maybe include moss carpet in mangrove category?
  • carpet and banner as a wool item?
  • Loom as alternative to bows?
  • Change fish to cooked?
  • jungle sapling and split sapling category
  • remove some diamond / gold tools to improve blind runs
  • remove trimmed boots?

What would be better is allow the user to customize the items cf #216

@BastLast As I explained there, it is impossible from a technical perspective to add an in-game way for this.

@BastLast As I explained there, it is impossible from a technical perspective to add an in-game way for this.

yup i saw that in the other story after posting my comment 😅, loved the idea of having different presets tho.

congratulation on the map btw been playing with a few friends for a few hours and i've been impressed by the quality of the work :) Hope a 1.21 version will be done !