
Split in WhatsAppUpdate and WhatsAppClient

soerenetler opened this issue · 5 comments

i think it would make sense to split the WhatsApp class into a WhatsAppUpdate and WhatsAppClient class. Many of the functions lower in the file like get_location don't actually need the Client. This would make the library easier to handle. One could create a WhatsAppUpdate object from the data and call the get_location on that Only sending messages would need the WhatsAppClient object.
I would be happy to contribute to the project. Let me know what you think about this proposal.

Hi @soerenetler

I like the idea, how are we going to ensure that this update is not going to break code of people who already created it using a version with only WhatsApp class ?

I didn't think it through yet. The functions could still exist inside WhatsApp and forward with a DeprecationWarning. I think in version 0.0.6 it is still fine to introduce breaking changes.
Are there automated tests for this library?

We don't have automated testing yet but you're welcome to contribute and create a PR for it`


Also regarding the breaking changes problem I think we can create a WhatsAppUpdate as a different class inherited by the WhatsApp class so that it works in both ways, making it easier to maintain without breaking any existing code base.

We don't have automated testing yet but you're welcome to contribute and create a PR for it`


I just created a new PR for automated testing. #38
Looking forward to your feedback.