
Introduce paging, start and end date and include voided checkbox for Invoices object

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Like the /Contacts endpoint, the /Invoices endpoint supports paging as well as the ability exclude the voided invoices.

  1. Introduce paging options similar to the Contacts endpoint (show paging parameters) for Invoices and adjust the messaging to include Invoices. Allow pages to be retrieved in pages the same way as Contacts are retrieved

  2. Introduce a checkbox called 'Include voided invoices', when checked set
    includeVoided to true in the $filter clause

  3. introduce Invoice Start Date and Invoice End Date as options to support filtering on a range of dates for invoices

StartDate and EndDate are the filter keys

If these are empty don't add the date filters to the call.

Turns out that paging is support on many other endpoints.

Can introduce paging on current support endpoints
/Auditlog /Events

Also these future endpoint support paging in the same way:

/Donations /Payments /Refunds /SentEmails /EmailDrafts

  1. Added paging to the Invoices endpoint. Also, fixed the endpoint being called an additional time unnecessarily.
  2. Added a checkbox that sends includeVoided=true along with api requests when checked.
  3. Date range is already supported if either Audit Log or Invoices is selected. By default, it will include the last 28 days, or whatever date range the user filters on in a report. As far as I can tell this isn't configurable from the connector. These will always have a value.

I've also added some tooling around code formatting.

@stephenpoole — can you add paging support to /Events and /Audilog as well. Both need to be paged especially if there is a ton of data to avoid API errors.

Added paging for /auditlog and /event.

@stephenpoole /auditlog and /event do not prompt for page size and instead raise the error

Wild Apricot object is required.

I need to redeploy to uat.

QA check ok on /auditlog /event and /invoice for page size and include voided invoice