
Profile last updated date field is not returning data in Contacts

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In Contacts object, the Profile last updated date field is not returning any data.

Fixed Profile last updated date field is not returning any data.

@stephenpoole - are you seeing any data return in this field? After testing on the sandbox I still don't see any data being returned? I see null on all the rows in the sandbox.

Testing on my record with I see

{ "FieldName": "Profile last updated", "Value": "2019-12-11T15:49:51.553-05:00", "SystemCode": "LastUpdated" },

@asirota I am indeed, I'm looking at HEAD after pasting the latest v2.0 and seeing Profile last updated being populated for that user. Were you testing on what I had deployed to uat? That only included the changes for feature/6.

this is working now with 1.96 deployed