The future of FazeKit/NFAllocInit [Proposal]
Opened this issue · 2 comments
swoolcock commented
Most of the NextFaze projects that import FazeKit also import NFAllocInit just because FazeKit is incomplete.
Make FazeKit feature parity with NFAllocInit, thus sunsetting NFAllocInit
- Only one codebase to manage
- A lot of work
- Requires updating with every version of Swift
Make NFAllocInit feature parity with FazeKit, thus sunsetting FazeKit
- Only one codebase to manage
- A lot of work
- Would need to become a hybrid project to support Swift extensions and generics, which also means updating with every version of Swift
Strip any code from FazeKit that already exists in NFAllocInit
- FazeKit would be considerably smaller
- Not a lot of code to manage when updating for Swift versions
- Two codebases to manage
The third option is my where I'd personally like to take it.
@ricsantos @SilkyPantsDan ?
ricsantos commented
Well, Swift source stability has settled down now, so going forward I don't see too many changes needed to keep it up to date.
I prefer using NFAllocInit over FazeKit, not sure why, maybe because I'm more familiar with it's contents.
Option 4: Make FazeKit mixed source, and move all the NFAllocInit code over to it, and sunset NFAllocInit?
ricsantos commented
FazeKit is the future