
Home Assistant custom component for Philips Someo

Primary LanguagePython

Somneo custom component

Home Assistant custom component for Philips Someo. This integration let's you control the light of the Somneo and reads the following sensors: temperature, humidity, luminance and noise. Furthermore, it provides the alarms set on your Somneo instance as binary sensors and provides a sensor with the first upcoming alarm.


You can install this custom component via HACS as a custom repository (https://hacs.xyz/docs/faq/custom_repositories/). Alternatively you can clone or copy the files into the somneo folder in the custom_components folder of HomeAssistant.


Go to: https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/config_flow_start/?domain=somneo

Alarm Configuration

With slider-entity-row from HACS`

Add a "manual" card into lovelace UI and copy paste the following code. It will create a card for the first Somneo Alarm (alarm0). Other cards can be created for other alarms (alarm1, alarm2, etc.)

type: entities
  - entity: switch.somneo_alarm0
    name: On/Off
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    entity: number.somneo_alarm0_hours
    hide_state: false
    name: Hours
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    entity: number.somneo_alarm0_minutes
    hide_state: false
    name: Minutes
  - entity: select.somneo_alarm0_days
    name: Days
title: Alarm work
show_header_toggle: false

Example Lovelace Slider

Without slider-entity-row from HACS

type: entities
  - entity: switch.somneo_alarm0
    name: On/Off
  - entity: number.somneo_alarm0_hours
    name: Hours
  - entity: number.somneo_alarm0_minutes
    name: Minutes
  - entity: select.somneo_alarm0_days
    name: Days
title: Alarm work
show_header_toggle: false

Example Lovelace


This component includes two services to adjust the wake-up light and sound settings. To adjust the light settings of an alarm you can call the following function:

service: somneo.set_light_alarm
  entity_id: switch.somneo_alarm0
  curve: sunny day
  level: 20
  duration: 30

The curve is either sunny day, island red or nordic white. Level should be between 0 and 25 and duration betweeen 4 and 40 minutes.

To adjust the sound settings of an alarm you can call the following function:

service: somneo.set_sound_alarm
  entity_id: switch.somneo_alarm0
  source: sunny day
  channel: 20
  level: 30

The source is wake-up for the wake-up sounds, radio for the FM radio of off for no sound. If the wake-up sound is selected, channel is one of the following sounds: forest birds, summer birds, morning alps, yoga harmony, nepal bowls, summer lake or ocean waves. If the radio is selected, channel has a value 1 till 5 (formatted as a string). The level should be between 1 and 25.

Furthermore, alarms can be added to or removed from the list in the Somneo app with:

service: somneo.add_alarm
  entity_id: switch.somneo_alarm0
service: somneo.remove_alarm
  entity_id: switch.somneo_alarm0