
Hard Pyramid Cave Amy Can't Jump Well Enough

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Amy cannot seem to jump well enough with an object to complete Pyramid Cave on Hard mode (mission 5). There are doors in this stage that only open when you retrieve a bulb-like object and place it on a pedestal in front of the door. When the player must retrieve the second bulb-like object to open the second one of the types of doors, Amy cannot get the bulb up the steps when attempting to bring the bulb to the second pedestal on hard mode. Unlike Sonic, her jump when holding something does not even let her jump onto the black GUN boxes needed to climb the steps with the bulb. I was able to throw the bulb onto the black GUN boxes when they were against walls and then quickly jump onto the GUN box and pick up the bulb (before it fell off) and throw it up the next step to get up each step. The strategy works until reaching the last step. Unfortunately, on the last step, just before the sloped incline, the last black box is not against a wall making this technique no longer work. I cannot find any other workaround to get the bulb up with Amy on this stage. Please note the workaround I found was also hard to pull off and I spent nearly 10 minutes in this stage, so an easier way to get up all the steps with Amy in Hard Mode would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Amy Cannot Jump Hard Pyramid Cave
^ This is as about as high as she can jump.

There is a certain irony in asking for a easier hard mode lol but more seriously, m5 on live patch is not fully developed. Wait for future patches to fully incorporate m5

Thank you!