
Add bash completion

mjpitz opened this issue · 3 comments

Thought about this a little bit, but I typically use this to tail the same files every couple of days. We should be able to add bash completion support by creating a history file and using it to auto-complete values that you've entered in the past.

Technical Details

  • For each value in program.args:
    • Check the history file for the value
    • If the value does not exist, append the entry and set the count to 1.
    • If the value does exist, then increment the count.
  • Write the history back ordered by access count.

The history file currently contains:


After executing the remtail, the new history file would be:


Not sure if the count is necessary as these will be auto complete values and as far as bash is concerned for the auto-complete, it would just use second part of the line anyway.

Great idea. I often find myself sshing into the remote hosts just to get the paths right which is a huge pain.

Worked this up really quick. One big bug with the way it handles the completion post : . Looked into it a little but didn't spend too much time on it. I also had another iteration where I was using -F instead of -C for the results but I think this one is a little cleaner (although not by much). I think the completion is trying to treat the : as a word separator

_remtail_complete() {
    local word=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
    local completions="$(cat ~/.remtail_history | awk '{print $2}' | grep ^$word)"

    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$completions" -- "$word") )

complete -F _remtail_complete remtail

There is value is rolling this into the javascript code. Then we can autocomplete command flags: 760c935

Not done, but you can see where it was going.