
postgresql store : what's the type I must use ?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've installed those packages :
StackExchange.Exceptional.AspNetCore 2.0.0-rc2.28
StackExchange.Exceptional.PostgreSql 2.0.0-rc2.28

In configureServices, I have :

            services.AddExceptional(Configuration.GetSection("Exceptional"), settings =>
                settings.UseExceptionalPageOnThrow = HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment();

In Configure, the first line is :
The appSettings :

  "Exceptional": {
    "Store": {
      "ApplicationName": "",
      "Type": "PostgreSql",
      "ConnectionString": ""

When I try to access the errors action, I get

System.Exception: Could not find error store type: PostgreSql
   at StackExchange.Exceptional.ErrorStore.Get(ErrorStoreSettings settings)
   at StackExchange.Exceptional.Internal.ExceptionalSettingsBase.get_DefaultStore()
   at StackExchange.Exceptional.ExceptionalMiddleware.HandleRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
   at api.Controllers.DefaultController.Exceptions() 

Can you share what your .csproj looks like?

@oooolivierrrr any update? Also consider the fix in #160 - I believe that workaround is the same issue as here that changes in later versions of ASP.NET Core.

@oooolivierrrr Got it - thanks for responding :)