
Application error

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Hi @NickLiffen ,

I am facing some issues while using this application,

  1. First time execution, repos are not listing based on the language filters ( "Found 0 repositories that met the valid criteria in the organisation"), but listing all the repos in our org, again the repos.json file is also empty.
  2. Further executions, with or without changing the language filter, few errors are are showing, please review the screenshot.

Please let me know, If am missing something in the steps or do I need to do any clean-up activities prior to each execution?

Mebin Thomas

Hey @mebin-thomas ๐Ÿ‘‹

More than happy to help ๐Ÿ‘ What have you got set within your .env file :)

Could you send it over but please remove anything sensitive like credentials, github tokens, etc.

Please remove them and replace with xxx ๐Ÿ‘

Please review,

Hey @mebin-thomas ๐Ÿ‘‹

If you change Python to python that should work for the language.

It should work though if you leave language to check to: LANGUAGUE_TO_CHECK= and just add the GITHUB_ORG=volvo-cars. Are you getting an empty repos.json after running the script?

To confirm:

  1. You have admin permission on repositories in the volvo-cars org, correct?
  2. These repos are not archived?

What does your repos.json look like after running yarn run getRepos?

Doing a quick check this morning the script seems to work on an org I have, but this may mean something strange is going on your side.

Does the script look like it's looping through all the repos? (you should see them output to your terminal)

Thanks for working through this with me :)

@NickLiffen ,

Thanks for the reply, repo extract is working as expected.

Any chance of getting the repo owners/admins in the repo list ??

Any chance of getting the repo owners/admins in the repo list ??

I can look into it, curiously, what would be the need? ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ’ญ

When we begin rolling out, we must commence communication, and if we can get admin list we can start communicating the rollout strategy prior to the event.

@NickLiffen ,

Can you able to implement the above requested functionality too??

Hey @mebin-thomas

I can add it to the backlog but there are other things I would like to tackle on this project first.

This weekend I am going to be doing some work on this project, but I will prioritise some other features, as they are asked of more.

I will add this to the backlog ๐Ÿ’ฏ