
Not properly loading/working

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It looks like this:
So that means either I'm doing something wrong or it is a bug..

You can see that section live here, at the bottom.

Also thanks for developing it :)

Update looks like a bug: downloaded the example from the release, and replicated my settings which causes the same problem.
These are my settings:

slidesToShow: auto, //'auto',
            slidesToScroll: 1,
            itemWidth: 480,
            draggable: true,
            scrollLock: false,
            dots: '#dots',
            rewind: true,
            arrows: {
                prev: '.glider-prev',
                next: '.glider-next'

Okey I solved most of the problems.. but still I can't get to display only the number of items without fractions. Also I can't hide the horizontal scrollbar without breaking the slide functionality in Firefox (though I tried the code recommended in github readme. I can't as well center items if there's space for example in larger screens.

Upadate: using this solves the space around on larger screens.

.glider-track {

Still not sure how to hide fractions of other slide items

Here's my config:

        document.querySelector('.glider').addEventListener('glider-slide-visible', function(event){
            var glider = Glider(this);
            console.log('Slide Visible %s', event.detail.slide)
        document.querySelector('.glider').addEventListener('glider-slide-hidden', function(event){
            console.log('Slide Hidden %s', event.detail.slide)
        document.querySelector('.glider').addEventListener('glider-refresh', function(event){
        document.querySelector('.glider').addEventListener('glider-loaded', function(event){

        window._ = new Glider(document.querySelector('.glider'), {
            slidesToShow: 1, //'auto',
            slidesToScroll: 1,
            itemWidth: 'auto',
            draggable: true,
            scrollLock: false,
            dots: '#dots',
            rewind: true,
            arrows: {
                prev: '.glider-prev',
                next: '.glider-next'
            responsive: [
      // screens greater than >= 775px
      breakpoint: 974,
      settings: {
        // Set to `auto` and provide item width to adjust to viewport
        slidesToShow: 2,
        rewind: true,
        slidesToScroll: 1,
        itemWidth: 482,        
        duration: 0.25
      // screens greater than >= 1024px
      breakpoint: 1488,
      settings: {
        slidesToShow: 3,
        rewind: true,
        slidesToScroll: 1,
        itemWidth: 482,
        duration: 0.25
