
Navigation buttons in every slide?

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a set of next/prev buttons in every slide instead av two global ones? Just adding them breaks the Glider and I've tried to define them as an array but doesn't work. The reason for this is that I want to use the Glider as a step-by-step mini course interface and the nav buttons need to be contextual.

Thank you!

I've figured it out, here is my solution:

const nextBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.js-glider-next');
const prevBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.js-glider-prev');

let slideIndex = 0;

if (nextBtns) {
    [], (nextBtn) => {
	nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
		slideIndex += 1;
		Glider.scrollItem(slideIndex, false);

if (prevBtns) {
    [], (prevBtn) => {
	prevBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
		slideIndex -= 1;
		Glider.scrollItem(slideIndex, false);

It might be easier to trigger a click of the paging element as opposed to attempting to call scrollItem manually.

That would work too but it would require hidden paging buttons though.

Yeah, but it will ensure all events fire as well as have better compatibility with any future releases.

Also, you can ask Glider for the current index with the getCurrentSlide method.

OK hmm, that method is not mentioned under "Methods" in the documentation so I didn't know it existed.

So is this how you mean?
Glider.scrollItem(_.getCurrentSlide(), true);
It seems to work

EDIT: Never mind, it does not work :)

This does work though, still not sure if this is how you meant it

let slideIndex = Glider.getCurrentSlide();
Glider.scrollItem(slideIndex += 1, true);

Great, thank you :)