Need Help, mister NicoD (Please)
InfernalWolf666 opened this issue · 5 comments
Hello my dear friend! I bought an orange pi 5 plus. And I came across you on YouTube. I'm watching you translated by a neural network.
Please tell me.
My original Wi-Fi and bluetooth Pcie device R6 adapter do not work in all unofficial images
This device works in official : Orange Pi OS (Arch and Droid) , Ubuntu. Debian !!!
Does not work on all other operating systems :(
No logs = impossible to diagnose
I'm a noob in the Linux world.
Please tell me where I can see the logs, I will provide them to you without any problems with great joy!
I can provide now with a working orange pi arch.
and give me a little time, and I will provide you with an armybian.
just tell me where to watch them. although I'll try to google it now.....
Although I have a feeling that there is simply no necessary driver
This guy has exactly the same error
Hi @InfernalWolf666
This is not related to armbian-gaming. So I will close this issue. You can post on the Armbian forum about it and hope someone else can help.
This is an OrangePi product. A quick google doesn't show me any drivers for it available for Linux.
So you'll have to ask OrangePi for the drivers or try to get the driver out of their image. Or check their github or so.
Problem is they don't really communicate much with the community. And we don't have this hardware, so no way to test. I do have the OPi5+ but not this adapter.
I'd advice to use a supported wifi/bt USB adapter with Armbian until this is supported in mainline.
Good luck.