
Multiple Gamepads

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am using a mega and uploading a small sktech to the 16u2 chip.
I see that the library has a Gamepad, Gamepad1, Gamepad2, Gamepad3, Gamepad4 variables that we can use. Is this supposed to be used so we can have up to five joysticks? I am using all five variables at the same time, but Windows only see one Joystick.

Is it even possible to have more than one joystick?

I found your bootloader from a link in
But that library doesn't seem to work with this boot loader mod.

Thanks for your great work.

The 16u2 has not enough endpoints to support all of them. Gamepad is a multireport gamepad, the others with numbers are single report gamepads that use an usb endpoint each. You can read more about this in the wiki. Please use a 32u4 or less gamepads.