
Multiple modifier keys + M key issues

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I'm having issues creating code to type a hot key Ctrl + Alt + m. I'm using keyboard testing software and it is only detecting the Ctrl and Alt key being pressed. the M key is completely ignored.
I have this so far;;'m');

If I remove; or; then it will type Ctrl + m / Alt + m respectively

If I change the alpha key to p or a or b or c (I havn't tested the whole alphabet) then it will work.

In summary, I can't get Ctrl + Alt + m to work but Ctrl + m, Alt + m, and Ctrl + Alt +p do...

I got the problem with exact the same code, that the SHIFT-Key is holding down, but doesn't release it.
I used the default keyboard.h before and this worked fine.

I got the problem with exact the same code, that the SHIFT-Key is holding down, but doesn't release it.
I used the default keyboard.h before and this worked fine.

Ok found the problem. It was, that I used two char's for a shorter variable for the keys, like in the Arduino example. After I deleted the char's and used the normal expression, it worked fine.

@electricrelay could you solve your issue?

I have a similar issue with Bootkeyboard and CTRL+S, when I use it on a SoundDevice MixPre. All other Keys that I send, like CTRL+R, CTRL+F or CTRL+M, F12, F3, UP, DOWN work, but not CTRL+S