
Future events

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Instead of the "createdon" date, possibly us a TV with date input.
This would allow upcoming events/dates to be displayed.
Similar to the Kalender extra.

was very busy this days, and has got no time to publish ad write docs for DocCalendar.

Yes, you can do :)

  • Create two date tvs ie: Start-Date and End-Date
    Important: set date-format for both tvs to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S

  • in your DocCalendar-Tpl:

start: '[+Start-Date+]',

end: '[+End-Date+]'

Today i've updated a bit the snippet, published and started documentation:

Looks and works great.
I didnt have the date-format correct before.

Line 15 of "DocCalendar.tpl"
$locale = isset($locale) ? $locale : 'eng';
should be changed to:
$locale = isset($locale) ? $locale : 'en-gb';

Or some other working lang.
Everything else is awesome, including demo page ;)

Thanks :)
added your fix to 691f2e3
