How to implement SLD Reader
gHupf opened this issue · 1 comments
I currently try to implement the SLD Reader into my own openlayers project. I checked the live examples as well as the API, but I am still not able to implement it.
I implemented the code into my project as follows:
html file:
<head> <script src="node_modules\@nieuwlandgeo\sldreader\docs\assets\sldreader.js"></script> </head>
javascript file:
`var linien = new ol.layer.Vector({
title: 'Linienmaßnahmen',
source: new ol.source.Vector({
url: 'data/Linienmassnahmen.geojson',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
style: new ({
stroke: new ({
color: [0, 0, 0, 1.0],
width: 3.5
function applySLD(vectorLayer, text) {
const sldObject = SLDReader.Reader(text);
window.sldObject = sldObject;
const sldLayer = SLDReader.getLayer(sldObject);
const style = SLDReader.getStyle(sldLayer, 'Maßnahmen_Linien');
const featureTypeStyle = style.featuretypestyles[0];
const viewProjection = map.getView().getProjection();
vectorLayer.setStyle(SLDReader.createOlStyleFunction(featureTypeStyle, {
convertResolution: viewResolution => {
const viewCenter = map.getView().getCenter();
return ol.proj.getPointResolution(viewProjection, viewResolution, viewCenter);
applySLD(linien, 'massnahmen_linien.sld');`
"massnahmen_linien" is the name of my sld file (I also attached it as a textfile). But I'm not sure if I use the applySLD()
command right. If I run the code I get the error TypeError: n.getAttribute is not a function
<script src="node_modules\@NieuwlandGeo\sldreader\docs\assets\sldreader.js"></script>
The dist folder contains the build which you should use on your page. (but probably the one in the docs folder works too)
Can you create a demo at eg codepen (or similar) to show your problem?