
Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: i

DowleyDeveloped opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm receiving a warning of Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: i with this slider. I'm running:

import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.js'
import VueSlider from 'vue-slider-component'

and if I console log this I recieve:

VueSliderDot: function o(t)​
VueSliderMark: function o(t)
cid: 3
component: function 30]</</</sr[n(t, e)​
directive: function 30]</</</sr[n(t, e)​
extend: function extend(t)​
extendOptions: Object { data: data()
, components: {…}, name: "i", … }
filter: function 30]</</</sr[n(t, e)
length: 0
​mixin: function mixin(t)
​name: "i"
​options: Object { components: {…}, directives: {}, name: "i", … }
​prototype: Object { constructor: o(t)
, value: Getter & Setter, silent: Getter & Setter, … }
​sealedOptions: Object { components: {…}, directives: {}, name: "i", … }
​super: function tr(t)​
superOptions: Object { components: {…}, directives: {…}, filters: {}, … }
​use: use(t)

I can only think this is down to the naming of the component. Is there a way to change this in the plugin as it's breaking all other JS on the site.


  • OS & Version: macOS
  • Vue version: 2.6.12
  • Component Version: 3.0.26

Are you using it directly in html?

The name? No.

This warning is on every page even if my component isn’t loaded because the warning is about the VueSlider itself

It may be a problem with your build environment, because the component with name i is not used in the component library.

Ah ok. I’ll check it out, thanks for the quick reply!

I've got same warning. What issue with build environment can cause that? @DowleyDeveloped did you fix it somehow?