
Add possibility to position slider dot to max or min value if min, max and modelValue are equal

kbizukov opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the feature

I have multiple dependent sliders (for example two: main and secondary) and if I change dot position in main - the min or max value in secondary must be changed. And there may be situations where secondary slider has only one value to choose. In such case its props min, max and model-value are equal. And dot is placed to the left end as min value, but I want it to be as max value at the right end of slider.

Describe the solution you'd like

It would be useful to add another prop, for example. adjustDot: 'min': 'max' to decide to which side of slider (right or left) dot should be placed if props.min === props.max && props.max === props.modelValue

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link to reproduce

I also tried to use prop direction="rtl" but it didn't work.

add it pls. same issue