
Accept list of Streamers ID

BrenoFariasdaSilva opened this issue · 0 comments

This is not an Issue. It's more of a really cool feature that would help me (and everybody, probably).
The Bot is perfect. It is working flawlessly, although i lost my old e-mail from my twitch account, so i created another one and will follow every streamer again. I have like 100+ streamers to follow again in the new account. It takes kinda of a lot to insert streamer id by streamer id. With that in mind, it would be awesome if the script could follow a list of streamer, being that list being inserted in the script from console, or from a file, like:

from file:

from console:
streamerID1, streamerID2, ..., streamerIDN

That's it. Anyway, the bot is amazing!