
A Node.js (express) application with JWT authorization/authentication and Stripe implementation that allows you to browse and book tours.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

USE laura@example.com / test1234 FOR LOGGING IN




NodeJS, Express, MongoDB(Mongoose), JWT, Stripe, Pug, Axios, Bcrypt, Eslint, Helmet, Http-to-text, Cookie-parser, Cors, Dotenv, Morgan, Multer, Nodemailer


A Node.js (express) application with JWT authorization/authentication and Stripe implementation that allows you to browse and book tours. It uses MongoDB (Mongoose) as a database and includes fast and scalable RESTful API (filters, sorts, pagination, etc...) It also includes server-side rendering with Pug templates, sending emails & uploading files, geospatial data, encryption, sanitization, rate limiting.