
The YearBook is a memoir of student's time spent in IIT Guwahati. This repo contains the code related to YearBook portal of IITG.

Primary LanguageCSS

The clean, fast and right way to start a Django 2.2.20 powered website.

Getting Started

Setup project environment with virtualenv and pip.

$ git clone https://github.com/Student-Alumni-Interaction-Linkage-IITG/YearBook.git
$ virtualenv project-env
$ source project-env/bin/activate
$ cd YearBook/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver


  • Basic Django scaffolding (commands, templatetags, statics, media files, etc).
  • Split settings for specific environment settings (localhost, production, etc) in yearbook/settings.py.
  • Simple logging setup ready for production envs.


Send a pull request with clear details including the brief documnetation and a picture ( in case of any frontend changes ).