
Website developed in MERN stack for Spirit, the biggest collegiate sporting festival of North Eastern India with 3K+ participants from 65+ colleges hosted by IIT Guwahati.

Primary LanguageEJS

MongoDB, Expressjs, React, Nodejs

Website developed in MERN stack for Spirit, the biggest collegiate sporting festival of North Eastern India with 3K+ participants from 65+ colleges hosted by IIT Guwahati

clone or download

$ git clone https://github.com/Nikitha2309/spirit2021.git
$ npm i


$ cd spirit2021   // go to server folder
$ npm i           // npm install packages
$ npm run dev     // run it locally
$ npm run build   // this will build the server code to es5 js codes and generate a dist file


  • Authentication
    • Integrated Google Sign-in Feature
    • Sign-in with email & password
  • New Announcements Display
  • Showcase of all information about Spirit and related statistics
  • Updates about ongoing & upcoming events
  • Register Feature for every event
  • Footer with quick links and contact details

Website Views

Landing Page


Dynamic Display in Landing Page


Login Page


Event Page


Hover Effects for Event Cards

Untitled (1)

Sponsors Page


About Us Page


Restricted Pages of the website redirects to login page if the user is not logged in
