

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, this project seems to contain a lot of useful snippets but I think it misses some documentation.

Would you add some docs at some point?

To be honest, I don't really think I will, in the foreseeable future anyway. Committing on APIs and documenting them usually takes a lot of time.

Some modules have fairly good inline documentation (e.g. the Event interface) but may others are quite entangled.
Everything that is a bit more involved will likely depend on the (standalone) browser API Promise + bugfix wrapper or other files in this repo.
Everything that has dependencies uses pbqs define (havn't gotten around to documenting that either, but it is basically a customized, mode modern version of require.js).
Some modules even require you to use the included options module or involve an additional build step.

In total this means that web-ext-utils is actually more of a framework. You either use all of it, which will influence your entire extension, or you don't use it at all.
I think that this means that there is a rather small audience for this project (probably just me).

I think a better course of action would be to move individual modules into new npm packages and document those.
I should probably do that for the ´Eventand maybe thenotify` module.
Any other modules you are interested in?