
Implement minimum bet and raise amount

Closed this issue · 2 comments

You have to at least double the previous bet in no-limit Texas Holdem when you make a raise. The least you can bet is the same amount as the big blind.

E.x.lets assume the blinds are 50/100 in a no limit game. Player 1 who is first to act after the big blinds (pre flop) raises to 300. With 100 blinds this means that the actual raise is 200. The minimum that player 2 (Wood) could raise to is therefore 500 (300+200).

The rules are the same for all betting rounds. But in each new betting round the minimum bet is always goes back to the same size as the big blind.

This is a known issue. Currently we don't have time to implement it and the AI battles will be played that way.

The minraise is now implemented