
Linux: Cannot Start SMTP Server Port 25

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I get an error when I try to start FakeSMTP on port 25.

Can't start SMTP Server
Make sure the port 25 is available and not used by other applications.

I am using Linux Mint 19.1 and I even did a fresh install of Linux Mint 19.1 and I still get this error. I didn't have this on Windows 10.

I was wondering how I can find out what application is using port 25 and how to disable it so FakeSMTP can use port 25.

Make sure you have the port allowed in your firewall.
You can also run it as sudo.

How do you run it as a sudo? I tried this but I had no luck. I also turned off my Firewall and had no luck either.

sudo '/home/john/Downloads/fakeSMTP-2.0.jar'

Thank you, now I can start it on Port 25.

But I still cannot get any emails, I am using XAMPP and I have following configured in php.ini

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from =